Results for 'Ch V. Liechtenstern'

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  1.  11
    Versuch einer Lösung des Substanzproblems auf Grund der Gestalttheorie.Ch V. Liechtenstern - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (1):121-128.
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  2. Gn Jha.Ch V. Durga-Saptasati - 1994 - In S. P. Dubey, The Metaphysics of the spirit. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers. pp. 1--258.
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  3. Debating Christian Theism.J. P. Moreland, K. A. Sweis & Ch V. Meister (eds.) - 2013 - Oxford Univ. Press.
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    Dielectric and spectroscopic investigations of lithium aluminium zirconium silicate glasses mixed with TiO2.Ch Srinvasa Rao, T. Srikumar, Y. Gandhi, V. Ravikumar & N. Veeraiah - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (6):958-980.
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    A verification framework for agent programming with declarative goals.F. S. de Boer, K. V. Hindriks, W. van der Hoek & J. -J. Ch Meyer - 2007 - Journal of Applied Logic 5 (2):277-302.
  6. V Judaisme/Judaism.Ch Grappe - 2009 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 89 (3):373.
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    High pressure structural investigation on LaGa.M. Sekar, N. V. Chandra Shekar, Sharat Chandra, P. Ch Sahu, R. Babu, A. K. Sinha, Anuj Upadhyay & M. N. Singh - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (34):4264-4275.
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  8. Sefer ha-Meʼorot ha-gedolim: ḳaṿe or ṿe-teʼurim mi-deyuḳanam shel ha-ishim ha-musriyim yotsre tenuʻat ha-musar, ḥayehem u-feʻulotehem.Ch Zaichyk - 2014 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon "Nishmat Ḥayim".
    Toldot ha-meḥaber, zatsal -- Haḳdamat ha-meḥaber, zatsal, le-mahadurah 1 -- Haḳdamah le-mahadurah 3 -- Maʼamar ʻal "Beḥire ha-yetsurim" -- Rabi Yiśraʼel mi-Salanṭ -- ha-Saba mi-Ḳelm -- Rabi Yitsḥaḳ Blazer -- Rabi Naftali Amsṭerdam -- Toldot ha-Saba mi-Novhardoḳ ṿe-yeshivotaṿ -- ha-Saba mi-Novhardoḳ -- ha-Saba mi-Slabodḳah -- he-Ḥafets Ḥayim --Gedole Novhardoḳ -- R. Avraham Zalmens -- R. Daṿid Blaikher -- R. Daṿid Bodniḳ -- R. Yiśraʼel Yaʻaḳov Lubṭshansḳi -- R. Shemuʼel Ṿainṭrob -- Talmide Novhardoḳ -- Peninim ṿe-leḳaḥim musariyim -- Ḥinukh ṿe-ʻidun ha-hergeshim (...)
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  9. Dialektika, ee zakony i kategorii v istorii armi︠a︡nskoĭ filosofii.Vazgen Karapeti Chʻaloyan - 1971 - Erevan: Izd-vo AN Armi︠a︡nskoĭ SSR.
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  10. Razvitie filosofskoĭ mysli v Armenii: (drev. i srednevekovyĭ period).Vazgen Karapeti Chʻaloyan - 1974 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    ""Ch 'an/Zen-Catholic Dialogue Spreads a" Welcome Table" at the 2009 Annual Meeting.Francis V. Tiso - 2009 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 29:145-146.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ch'an/Zen-Catholic Dialogue Spreads a "Welcome Table" at the 2009 Annual MeetingFrancis V. TisoA retreat program designed by the participants in the ongoing Ch'an/Zen-Catholic Dialogue explored the dialogue of religious experience and the dialogue of life, set amid the redwoods of Guerneville, California. The 28–31 January 2009 meeting was cochaired by the Rev. Heng Sure of the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery and the Institute for World Religions, Berkeley, California, and by (...)
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    Zen/Ch'an-Catholic Dialogue Explores the Path to Spiritual Maturation.Francis V. Tiso - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:145-148.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Zen/Ch’an-Catholic Dialogue Explores the Path to Spiritual MaturationFrancis V. TisoThe second in a four year series of dialogues between Catholics and Buddhists on the West Coast was held at Mercy Center, Burlingame, California, on the topic “Abiding in Christ; Taking Refuge in the Buddha: Then What?” The January 28–February 2, 2008, meeting was cochaired by Rev. Heng Sure of the Institute for World Religions, Berkeley, California, and John C. (...)
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  13. "Materializm i ėmpiriokritit︠s︡izm" V. I. Lenina. Ralʹt︠s︡evīch, Vasīlīĭ Nīkīforovīch, [From Old Catalog] & Rafaīl Akīmovīch I︠A︡nkovskiīĭ (eds.) - 1935
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    Kosmicheskoe myshlenie--kli︠u︡ch k vykhodu iz mirovogo krizisa.V. S. Nikitin - 2014 - Moskva: Russkiĭ Lad.
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  15. Vostok--Zapad: Preemstvennostʹ v filosofii antich. i srednevekovogo obshchestva.Vazgen Karapeti Chʻaloian - 1979 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  16. TROISIÈME CENTENAIRE DE LA NAISSANCE DE SPINOZA: COMMUNICATIONS DE MM. Ch. Appuhn, Léon Brunschvicg, Carl Gebhardt.V. Basch - 1932 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 32 (5).
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    Didier, J. Ch., Faut-il baptiser les enfants? La réponse de la Tradition. [REVIEW]V. Grassi - 1969 - Augustinianum 9 (1):177-177.
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    Academician Th.Ch. Kessidis: Teacher and Philosopher.Vladimir V. Starovoytov - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (7):109-113.
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  19. Fenomenologii︠a︡ puteshestviĭ: v vosʹmi chasti︠a︡kh.I. V. Zorin - 2004 - Moskva: Sovetskiĭ sport.
    Ch. 1. Ėtnologii͡a puteshestviĭ -- ch. 2. Mifologii͡a puteshestviĭ -- ch. 3. Filosofii͡a puteshestviĭ -- ch. 4 Apostolʹstvo puteshestviĭ -- ch. 5. Velike geograficheskie otkrytii͡a -- ch. 6 Uslugi dli͡a puteshestvennikov -- ch. 7 Industrii͡a turizma -- ch. 8 Rekreat͡sii͡a.
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    Syma Tsyan, Istoricheskie Zapiski (Shi Tsi) [Ssu-ma Ch'ien, Historical Records (Shih Chi)].Derk Bodde & R. V. Viatkin - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1):183.
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    Integralanthropologie in Kontext von Immanuel Kant.Michael Ch Michailov, Eva Neu & Michael Schratz - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 20:203-214.
    The central question: "What is the Human?" is since Platon till today not answered. Kant distinguishes a physiological and a pragmatic anthropology: The Human knows the nature by senses, but himself by "pure apperception... from physical determinations independently personality (homo noumenon)..., different to... (homo phenomenon)". Kant's idea of the anthropology according to R. Brandt is a holistic totality with three spheres: phenomenal, pragmatic and moral-teleological. The philosophical (Gelen, Scheler), pedagogical (Roth, etc.), medical (V. von Weizsäcker, etc.), also the new anthropology (...)
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    Kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii︠a︡ filosofii prava.V. P. Malakhov - 2007 - Moskva: I︠U︡NITI.
    ch. 1. Kont͡sept͡sii͡a prava -- ch. 2. Posledovateli i ucheniki : fragmenty iz rabot i nauchnye statʹi.
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    II-1 Ordinis secundi tomus primus: Adagiorum Chilias Prima, Centuriae I-V.Miekske van Poll-van de Lisdonk, M. Mann Phillips & Ch Robinson (eds.) - 1993 - BRILL.
    _Ordo II_ comprises the work that made Erasmus famous, namely the _Adagia_ (Proverbs) some of which were extended into essays. This first volume of the _Adages_ in the Amsterdam edition of the Latin texts of Erasmus gives a general introduction to the _Adages_ in German, as well as a critical edition of the Latin text of the first half of the first thousand _Adages_.
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    Informat︠s︡ionnye osnovy sinteza sistem.V. I. Razumov - 2007 - Omsk: OmGU. Edited by V. P. Sizikov.
    ch. 1. Informat︠s︡ionnye osnovy sistemy znaniĭ -- ch. 2. Informat︠s︡ionnye osnovy sinteza.
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  25. Istorii︠a︡ chelovecheskogo intellekta.V. V. Orlov - 1998 - Permʹ: Izd-vo Permskogo universiteta.
    ch. 1-2. Predystorii︠a︡, mif, religii︠a︡; Prosveshchenie, Kant, Gegelʹ -- ch. 3. Sovremennyǐ intellekt.
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  26. Christentum und Humanismus.V. E. Gebsattel - 1947 - Stuttgart,: E. Klett.
    Vor-Worte.--Religion und Psychologie.--Not und Hilfe.--Der Liebe in der Aufbauordnung des Stifterschen Menschenbildes.--De profundis ; eine Auseinandersetzung mit C.G. Jung, Herbst 1945.--Christentum und Humanismus ; ein Gespräch mit Erziehern.
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    Osnovy filosofii.V. V. Orlov - 1991 - Permʹ: Izd-vo Tomskogo universiteta, Permskoe otd-nie.
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    Erazim Kohák: poutník po hvězdách.Erazim V. Kohák - 2001 - Praha: Portál. Edited by Roman Šantora & Jiří Zajíc.
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    Основы философии: Учеб. пособие.V. V. Orlov - 1991 - Permʹ:
  30. Molodezhʹ i tvorchestvo: sot︠s︡ialʹno-filosofskie problemy: tezisy vystupleniĭ uchastnikov VIII Vsesoi︠u︡znykh filosofskikh chteniĭ molodykh uchenykh, Moskva, maĭ 1988 g.V. I. Stoli︠a︡rov (ed.) - 1988 - Moskva: [S.N.].
    ch. 1. Rolʹ i mesto filosofii v zhizni obshchestva. Formirovanie tvorcheskikh sposobnosteĭ -- ch. 2. Metodologicheskie voprosy tvorchestva. Nauchnoe i tekhnicheskoe tvorchestvo. Khudozhestvennoe tvorchestvo -- ch. 3. Sot︠s︡ialʹnoe tvorchestvo, sot︠s︡ializm i problemy tvorchestva, sot︠s︡ialʹnoe razvitie molodezhi v uslovii︠a︡kh perestroĭki.
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  31. (1 other version)2 Excerpt from On Liberty (1869), Ch. V: Applications.John Stuart Mill - 2003 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 6 (1).
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  32. L'égalité, vol. V.R. Dekkers, P. Foriers & Ch Perelman - 1979 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 169 (4):482-483.
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    Svět vědy a víry: soubor tří přednášek, proslovených v letech 1990-1993, doplněných záznamem diskusí.Jiří Grygar - 2002 - Valašské Meziříčí: Aldebaran.
  34. Filosofsko-metodologicheskie problemy sot︠s︡ialʹno-gumanitarnogo poznanii︠a︡: tezisy dokladov k shkole molodykh uchenykh, Moskva, maĭ 1984 g.V. G. Fedotova (ed.) - 1983 - Moskva: [S.N.].
    Ch. 1. Metodologicheskie problemy sot︠s︡ialʹno-gumanitarnogo poznanii︠a︡ -- ch. 2. Metodologicheskie problemy istorii filosofii i ėstetiki.
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  35. Islam: filosofii︠a︡, religii︠a︡, kulʹtura: uchebnoe posobie.N. V. Efremova - 2015 - Moskva: Vostochnai︠a︡ literatura.
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  36. Filosofskai︠a︡ teologii︠a︡ antichnosti: analiticheskiĭ obzor.G. V. Khlebnikov - 2005 - Moskva: Inion Ran.
    ch. 1. Dosokratiki, Sokrat, Platon, Aristotelʹ -- v. 2. Likeĭ, ėpikup, stoi͡a, Pirron, akademii͡a, neopifagoreizm, Plotin i neoplatonizm.
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    Confucius, His Life and Time. [REVIEW]C. C. V. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):179-179.
    A warm and sympathetic reconstruction, by an obvious admirer, of the life, times and work of K'ung Ch'iu, based upon the Confucian Classics and a variety of historical sources, including the works of recent scholars. A helpful bibliography is included.--V. C. C.
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    Eisagōgē stē philosophia.Geōrgios Ch Koumakēs - 1984 - Athēna: Vivliopōleion tēs "Hestias".
    v. 1. Ennoia kai methodos tēs philosophias, metaphysikē ontologia, philosophia tēs historias, praktikē philosophia.
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  39. Ti︠a︡zhba o bytii: sbornik filosofskikh rabot.A. V. Akhutin - 1997 - Moskva: Russkoe fenomenologicheskoe ob-vo.
    Delo filosofii -- ch. 1. Spory evropeĭskoĭ kulʹtury. Ėpicheskiĭ iskhod. Otkrytie soznanii︠a︡. Drevnegrecheskai︠a︡ tragedii︠a︡ i filosofii︠a︡. Afiny i Ierusalim. Novat︠s︡ii︠a︡ Kopernika i kopernikanskai︠a︡ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ -- ch. 2. XX vek: k ontologii spornosti. Sofii︠a︡ i chert. Kant pered lit︠s︡om russkoĭ religioznoĭ metafiziki. O vtorom izmerenii myshlenii︠a︡: L. Shestov i filosofii︠a︡. Na poli︠a︡kh "I︠A︡ i Ty".
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  40. Religion, Wissenschaft und Technik.Walther Ch Zimmerli - 1985 - In Hans Michael Baumgartner & Bernhard Irrgang, Am Ende der Neuzeit?: die Forderung eines fundamentalen Wertwandels und ihre Probleme: Arbeitsthesen aus dem Forschungsbereich der "Studiengruppe Entwicklungsprobleme der Industriegesellschaft, STEIG e.V." und des Kolloquiums "Technologie und Wertwandel". Würzburg: Königshausen + Neumann.
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  41. K některým otázkám marxisticko-leninského zpracování dějin filosofie: zpracováno na základě jednotlivých studií a podkladových materiálů vzniklých v oddělení dějin filosofie.Jiří Černý - 1973 - [Praha]: Ústav pro filosofii a sociologii ČSAV.
  42. Kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii sovremennogo estestvoznanii︠a︡: uchebnoe posobie.I︠U︡. V. Gorin (ed.) - unknown - Penza: Izd-vo Penzenskogo gos. tekhn. universiteta.
    -- ch. 2. Tekhnosfera i osnovy sovremennykh tekhnologiĭ.
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  43. Ėskizy dli︠a︡ druzeĭ: chelovecheskoe, voistinu chelovecheskoe!: filosofsko-politicheskai︠a︡ publit︠s︡istika.I︠U︡. V. Efimenko - 2023 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo Prometeĭ.
    ch. 1. Prodialektichennai︠a︡. Mai︠a︡k Ėngelʹsa ; Navstrechu dialektike ; Dialekticheskiĭ gumanizm -- ch. 2. Filosoficheskai︠a︡. Filosofskai︠a︡ Atlantida Drevneĭ Gret︠s︡ii ; Filosofski o filosofskom ; Absoli︠u︡tnyĭ svet absoli︠u︡tnoĭ istiny -- ch. 3. Zagorizontnai︠a︡. Na kremnistom puti v Chelovekii︠u︡ ; Zavetnoe okno ; Vysokie Svetlye Dorogi Vselennoĭ.
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    Thin Ultrafilters.O. Petrenko & I. V. Protasov - 2012 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 53 (1):79-88.
    A free ultrafilter $\mathcal{U}$ on $\omega$ is called a $T$-point if, for every countable group $G$ of permutations of $\omega$, there exists $U\in\mathcal{U}$ such that, for each $g\in G$, the set $\{x\in U:gx\ne x, gx\in U\}$ is finite. We show that each $P$-point and each $Q$-point in $\omega^*$ is a $T$-point, and, under CH, construct a $T$-point, which is neither a $P$-point, nor a $Q$-point. A question whether $T$-points exist in ZFC is open.
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  45. Osnovy matematicheskoĭ infinitologii.E. V. Karpushkin - 2003 - Murmansk: MSM Investigators. Edited by A. V. Ledent︠s︡ov.
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  46. Obshchestvo i kulʹtura.A. G. Egorov, Pavel Semenovich Gurevich & V. P. Rachkov (eds.) - 1988 - Moskva: [S.N.].
    Ch. 1. Filosofskoe osmyslenie kulʹtury -- ch. 2. Problemy mnozhestvennosti kulʹtur.
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  47. Humanismus v naší filosofické tradici dnešek: na okraj minulých i přítomných zápasů naší filosofie o člověka.Jiří Loukotka - 1974 - Praha: Svoboda.
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    Examining the Impact of Young People's Involvement in Cultural Heritage Preservation and Promotion.Ankita Singh, Dr Poonam Singh, Vivek Saraswat, V. Pushparajesh, Shitij Goyal, Dr Bijal Zaveri & B. Reddy - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:924-934.
    Culture is vital in preserving history and continuity of traditions, and that is why cultural practices should be protected and supported. It is important to understand young people's participation in these activities first because they are the key to sustaining the efforts in the future. This study examines the impact of young people's involvement in cultural heritage (CH) through four key variables, knowledge (KNW), engagement in activities (EIA), interest in participation (IIP), and impact perception (IP). The data were administered through (...)
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    Russkai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ vtoroĭ poloviny XIX veka: khrestomatii︠a︡.B. V. Emelʹi︠a︡nov (ed.) - 1991 - Sverdlovsk: Izd-vo Uralʹskogo universiteta.
    ch. 1. Filosofii︠a︡ russkikh revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionnykh demokratov i estestvoispytateleĭ.
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    Štrukturalizmus V pragmatizme ch. S. peircea alebo krátky príbeh O stratenej vízii.Juraj Žiak - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (5).
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